PHONE 258-4231
Rev. Lester Wolfgram, Pastor
Vicar Dailey
23rd Sunday After Pentecost
November 17, 2019
Divine Service | Setting Three | LSB 184 |
Opening Hymn: | “Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones” | LSB 670 |
Hymn of the Day: | “Built on the Rock” | LSB 645 |
Distribution: | “How Firm A Foundation” | LSB 728 |
“Lord Jesus Christ, You Have Prepared” | LSB 622 | |
Closing Hymn: | “Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer” | LSB 918 |
Preacher: Pastor Les Wolfgram
Liturgist: Pastor Les Wolfgram
Accompanist: Denise Wolfgram
Elder: Craig Helm
Ushers: 8:15 am Kevin Brockel & Micheal Henke
10:45 am Greg & Melvin Sutheimer
Greeters: 8:15 am Wayne & Joy Doll
10:45 am Pam Dever & Lily Dever
Acolyte: 8:15 am Zeva B.
10:45 am Reagan D.
WELCOME!! We are glad that you have joined us this morning as we lift up our hearts and voices in response to God’s great gift of forgiveness and life in Christ Jesus. If you are a visitor, please sign our guest book and introduce yourself to Pastor Les Wolfgram.
AT SHEPHERD OF THE VALLEY LUTHERAN CHURCH we celebrate the Lord’s Supper in the confidence that we receive, along with the bread and wine, our Savior’s true body and blood “through and in which we obtain the forgiveness of sins.” Besides individually receiving Christ’s free gift of forgiveness in this sacrament, all those who commune make a confession of the faith that we believe and teach in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. To commune at this altar is to accept the doctrinal position of this congregation. Because of that common confession, we invite those who are members at sister Missouri Synod Churches to join us at the Lord’s Table. If you would like more information on our understanding of the Lord’s Supper, please visit with Pastor Wolfgram.
THE FALL VOTER’S MEETING will take place today during the education hour. We will consider the 2020 budget and other important matters so please plan to attend.
WE ARE GRATEFUL TO our Sunday School students who will sing during the 10:45 service to enhance our worship.
THE BOARD OF YOUTH and the Human Care committee are partnering together to provide Christmas Bags for Wachter students in transition. It is our goal to provide packages for 40 students. The second half of this quarter proceeds to Human Care will go to help provide items for the Wachter project.
PASTOR WOLFGRAM will attend the Annual Conference of Lutheran Church Extension Fund in Houston, TX next Friday-Sunday, November 22-24. Vicar Chris Durham from Zion Lutheran Church will lead the service and proclaim God’s Word at Shepherd of the Valley on November 24.
THE THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE will take place on Wednesday, November 27 at 7:00 pm. There will be no service at Shepherd of the Valley on Thanksgiving Day.
Sunday | 8:15am | Divine Service |
9:30am | Voter’s Meeting | |
10:45am | Divine Service | |
12:30pm | Vision Path | |
Wednesday | 5:30pm | Catechism Instruction |
6:30pm | Middle School ~~ Pam Stenzel @ CHS | |
7:00pm | Worship | |
7:30pm | H.S. ~~ Pam Stenzel @ CHS | |
7:45pm | Facilities Committee | |
Thursday | 5:30pm | Choir |
Next Sunday | 8:15am | Divine Service |
9:30am | Education Hour | |
10:45am | Divine Service | |
7:00pm | Council |