PHONE 258-4231
Rev. Lester Wolfgram, Pastor
Vicar Dailey ~ 254-681-0288
24th Sunday After Pentecost
November 24, 2019

Divine Service Service of Prayer and Preaching LSB 260
Opening Hymn: “Come Thou Almighty King” LSB 905
Hymn of the Day: “O Savior, Precious Savior” LSB 527
Closing Hymn: “Crown Him With Many Crowns” LSB 525

Preacher: Vicar Durham
Liturgist: Vicar Durham
Accompanist: Shirley Cook
Elder: Craig Helm
Ushers: 8:15 am Dwight Cook & Lonny Lang
10:45 am Kevin Olson & Leon Lippert
Greeters: 8:15 am Becky & Jeremy Gildea
10:45 am Walter & Bernice Rehling
Acolyte: 8:15 am Zeva B.
10:45 am Daisy A.

WELCOME!! We are glad that you have joined us this morning as we lift up our hearts and voices in response to God’s great gift of forgiveness and life in Christ Jesus. If you are a visitor, please sign our guest book and introduce yourself to Pastor Les Wolfgram.

WE ARE GRATEFUL TO Vicar Chris Durham from Zion Lutheran Church as he leads the Divine Service and proclaims God’s Word this morning. Pastor Wolfgram is attending the annual conference for the Lutheran Church Extension Fund in Houston, TX and will return to Bismarck on Sunday evening.

THE BOARD OF YOUTH and the Human Care committee are partnering together to provide Christmas Bags for Wachter students in transition. It is our goal to provide packages for 40 students. The second half of this quarter proceeds to Human Care will go to help provide items for the Wachter project.

THE THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE will take place on Wednesday, November 27 at 7:00 pm. There will be no service at Shepherd of the Valley on Thanksgiving Day.

THE BOARD OF YOUTH AND THE HUMAN CARE committee are partnering together to provide Christmas Bags for Wachter students in transition. It is our goal to provide packages for 40 students consisting of personal care products, hats/gloves, fleece blankets, games, and snacks. A display board and collection location will be setup in the narthex and we will be packaging all items received Sunday December 15th after the late service. Cash will also be accepted and can be given to Laith Hintz, Justin Dever, or Pastor. The second half of this quarter proceeds to Human Care will also go to help provide items for the Wachter project.

NEWSLETTER AND CALENDAR information is due Tuesday, November 26th. Please email information by noon to Thank you!

WE HAVE A special Education Hour this week as we prepare for Advent. Vicar Durham will briefly explain Advent and the meaning of the Advent candles. Families will then have the opportunity to create a family Advent wreath. Once you are done with your wreath, you are welcome to visit further or to gather with others in the sanctuary to sing Advent and Christmas hymns.

PLEASE BE SURE TO complete the “Serving In Faith” insert indicating your commitment to the serve the Lord. You may place them in the offering plate or hand them to Ann Willoughby following the service.

PLEASE LET US KNOW of your attendance in worship by signing the red Record Of Fellowship booklet. The Lord directs us to care for one another and one way that we do this is through encouragement to worship as we are fed on God’s Word and Sacrament. We rejoice that you are here and we miss you when absent.

IT’S BEGINNING TO look a lot like Christmas… On December 7, you are invited to join the board of trustees in decorating the Christmas tree and tidying up the church building. We will gather at 10:00 am. Please join us.

Sunday 8:15am Divine Service
9:30am Voter’s Meeting
10:45am Divine Service
7:00pm Council
Wednesday 5:30pm Catechism Instruction
7:00pm Thanksgiving Eve Service
Thursday Happy Thanksgiving
Next Sunday *8:15am Divine Service
9:30am Education Hour
*10:45am Divine Service