PHONE (O) 258-4231
Rev. Lester Wolfgram, Pastor
Vicar Dailey
Advent 1
December 01, 2019

Divine Service Setting One LSB 151
Opening Hymn: “The Advent Of Our King” LSB 331
Hymn of the Day: “Come, Thou Precious Ransom, Come” LSB 350
Distribution: “Let The Earth Now Praise The Lord” LSB 352
“Soul, Adorn Yourself With Gladness” LSB 636
Closing Hymn: “Prepare The Royal Highway” LSB 343

Preacher: Vicar Richard Dailey
Liturgist: Pastor Les Wolfgram
Accompanist: Denise Wolfgram
Elder: Dick Dever
Ushers: 8:15 am Chuck Falkenstein & Robert Knutson
10:45 am Kari Kramer & Laith Hintz
Greeters: 8:15 am Joyce Keith
10:45 am Bridget & Arianna Roll
Acolyte: 8:15 am Hunter P.
10:45 am Kallen H.

WELCOME!! We are glad that you have joined us this morning as we lift up our hearts and voices in response to God’s great gift of forgiveness and life in Christ Jesus. If you are a visitor, please sign our guest book and introduce yourself to Pastor Les Wolfgram.
THE BOARD OF YOUTH AND THE HUMAN CARE committee are partnering together to provide Christmas Bags for Wachter students in transition. It is our goal to provide packages for 40 students. Please pull a tab from the bulletin board and contribute the listed items
PLEASE BE SURE TO complete the “Serving In Faith” insert indicating your commitment to the serve the Lord.
CHRISTMAS CAROLING will take place on Sunday, December 22nd. We will meet at the church at 2:30 pm and sing to a few seniors in our congregation.

PLEASE LET US KNOW of your attendance in worship by signing the red Record Of Fellowship booklet. The Lord directs us to care for one another and one way that we do this is through encouragement to worship as we are fed on God’s Word and Sacrament. We rejoice that you are here and we miss you when you are absent.
PASTOR AND DENISE WOLFGRAM will attend the Christmas at Concordia in Seward, NE next weekend. Vicar Dailey will be available if you are in need of pastoral care during Pastor Wolfgram’s absence. Vicar Dailey will also lead the Divine Service and proclaim God’s Word on Sunday, December 8.
IT’S BEGINNING TO look a lot like Christmas… On December 7, you are invited to join the board of trustees in decorating the Christmas tree and tidying up the church building. We will gather at 10:00 am. Please join us.
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO sponsor a poinsettia plant for the Christmas season, the price is $8.00. Please fill out the form in the Narthex and place in the box. Any questions, please contact LaRae Kuusisto at 701-955-8111 or Lyn Krecklau at 701-426-4191. Thank you.

Sunday *8:15am Divine Service
9:30am Education Hour
*10:45am Divine Service
Monday 4:30pm Human Care Committee
5:30pm Stewardship
Wednesday 5:30pm Catechism Instruction
7:00pm Worship
Thursday 5:30pm Choir
Next Sunday 8:15am Divine Service
9:30am Education Hour
10:45am Divine Service