PHONE 258-4231

Rev. Lester Wolfgram, Pastor

Vicar Dailey ~ 254-681-0288

Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost
September 22, 2019


Divine Service Service of Prayer and Preaching LSB 260
Opening Hymn: “Drawn to The Cross” LSB 560
Hymn of the Day: “Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God” LSB 712
Closing Hymn: “You Are the Way; Through You Alone” LSB 526



Preacher:                               Pastor Les Wolfgram
Liturgist:                                Pastor Les Wolfgram
Accompanist:                          Shirley Cook and Denise Wolfgram

Elder:                                       Marty Bjergaard

Ushers:               8:15 am          Dwight Cook & Lonny Lang

10:45 am          Bob Ziebarth & Justin Dever

Greeters:           8:15 am         Marion Meske

10:45 am         Pam Dever & Lily Dever

Acolyte:             8:15 am          Hunter P.

10:45 am          Reese D.

WELCOME!! We are glad that you have joined us this morning as we lift up our hearts and voices in response to God’s great gift of forgiveness and life in Christ Jesus. If you are a visitor, please sign our guest book and introduce yourself to Pastor Les Wolfgram.

UPCOMING SPEAKERS on Main Street Living include: Rev. Jonathan Walla from Bethel, Bismarck, on September 22. Main Street Living can be seen each Sunday at 10:00 AM on KBMY Xtra channel 17.3 or 594.

QUILTERS! SOTV quilting group is in need of more people. We are a very small group. We will start meeting again in September. We have been meeting Mondays and some Tuesdays. We do simple block quilts. If you have free time, please consider helping. It is a good way to get to know church members better. We usually bring a lunch and socialize. No experience needed. Call Pam Dever – 222-2604, 391-6332 cell; or Doris Weidrich – 223-4396.

SAVE THE DATE – new member brunch on November 3 between services. Enjoy good food and fellowship!

“TAKE HEART IN YOUR GRIEF” will be offered at Shepherd of the Valley starting Sunday, October 6. Pastor Marcis and Pastor Wolfgram will lead the six-week course beginning at 6:30 each Sunday. If you are mourning the death of a loved one and would like support and information to help you navigate the journey of grief, “Take Heart in Your Grief” will prove to be a blessing for you. To register or for more information call the church office at 701-258-4231.

EVERYONE HIS WITNESS (E1HW) “emphasizes listening to people to understand their worldview and where their lives connect with Jesus’ story. It does not focus on learning witnessing scripts or methods for engaging total strangers.”  E1HW will be held on October 12th from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM with time allowed for lunch that will be provided by the church.  The cost to attend the workshop will be $10 to cover the workbook used in the training.  The goal attendance for this workshop is 36 people divided into 6 groups of 6 people.  The deadline to register and order your workbook for E1HW is September 19th.  Sign up today or email our Vision Path chair

SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPPLIES NEEDED – We are planning a project that requires paper towel and toilet paper rolls.  If you have some at home we would love to have them! Please save these and drop them off in the labeled box outside the coat room.  Thanks for your help!


A Work in Progress, by Carla Krazl

The first study will be Monday, Sept. 30th, 7 pm, Bethel.  Bible study will be held the last Monday of each month, unless otherwise decided.

Study Guides can be purchased from the Bethel Church office.  Cost is: $15.00.  We will meet once per month for 7 sessions.

Join our Facebook Group: A Work in Progress Bible Study Group for updates and discussion.

Please contact Pam Holscher (701-425-3415) or Sue Hartley-Wolfgram (701-460-0229)  for more information.

WE ARE LOOKING FOR a gently used book shelf for the Little Free Pantry items. If you have one that would be willing to donate to the church, please call or text Dorrie at 701-226-7645. Thank you!

“DO YOU HAVE marketing knowledge or experience or a knack for fundraising?  Or perhaps you are just passionate about seeing Martin Luther School grow?  If so, the MLS School Board would love to have you join the marketing/fundraising committee.  We will be meeting on Tuesday, September 24th at 4 pm at MLS to plan fundraisers for the year and brainstorm marketing ideas.  If you would like to be on the marketing/fundraising team, but can’t make the meeting, please call Tom Langer at 202-5520.”

NEWSLETTER AND CALENDAR information is due to the church office by Tuesday, September 24th. Please email Dorrie at Thank you!

THE BANQUET:   SOTV is in charge of the Banquet which is held at Trinity Lutheran on Saturday, November 16. This is a big undertaking, so we need volunteers to help prepare food and serve around 250 people. Cleanup is also part of our responsibility. Please consider helping. Contact Stewardship or Human Care Board if questions. Thank You!


Sunday 8:15am Divine Service
  9:30am Education Hour
  10:45am Divine Service
  7:00pm Council
Monday 6:30pm New Member Classes
Wednesday 5:30pm Catechism Instruction
  7:00pm Worship
Thursday 5:30pm Choir
Next Sunday *8:15am Divine Service
  9:30am Education Hour
  *10:45am Divine Service