PHONE: 258-4231
Rev. Lester Wolfgram, Pastor
Vicar Dailey
Fifth Sunday In Lent
March 29, 2020
Divine Service | Divine Service One | LSB 151 |
Opening Hymn: | “Glory Be To Jesus” | LSB 433 |
Hymn of the Day: | “Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus” | LSB 685 |
Closing Hymn: | “Thanks To Thee, O Christ, Victorious” | LSB 548 |
Preacher: | Pastor Les Wolfgram | |
Liturgist: | Pastor Les Wolfgram | |
Elder: | Dick Dever | |
Accompanist: | 8:15 AM | Denise Wolfgram |
WELCOME!! We are glad that you have joined us this morning as we lift up our hearts and voices in response to God’s great gift of forgiveness and life in Christ Jesus. If you are a visitor, please sign our guest book and introduce yourself to Pastor Les Wolfgram.
THANK YOU FOR your patience during these days of social distancing. We continue to monitor guidelines from federal and state officials. Please contact Pastor Wolfgram, an elder, or the church office if you are in need during these trying days.
THE RITE OF CONFIRMATION has been postponed until we have greater clarity on the COVID – 19 situation.
WE ARE IN NEED OF supplies to fill the Little Free Pantry located on the northwest side of the parking lot. We are servicing the pantry about three times a week. All non-perishable food items, personal care, hygiene products, and other necessities are always welcome. Items can be left in the bookshelves located in the coatroom near the church entry. Here is a prayer for the Little Free Pantry from – Loving God, bless all who pass this box. For those who leave something, may they know the blessing of giving to You. For those who take something, may they know the blessing of receiving from You. For all who come and for all who pass by, may they know the God of Love and Peace is with them.
The Lord of life continues to be in control of our lives at all times and especially now in the midst of the uncertainty we are experiencing. Shepherd of the Valley will once again be conducting a “Good Friday Prayer Vigil” starting at 8:00 pm on Good Friday and ending at 8:00 am Saturday morning. The Prayer Vigil consists of one-hour time slots whereby one or more persons will be in prayer in the quiet of the sanctuary each hour. There is a signup sheet on the table at the entrance to the sanctuary along with Prayer Request cards that can be used to submit your prayer requests.
You can also sign up online on Shepherd of the Valley’s website at
Prayer requests can also be submitted online at