PHONE  258-4231

Rev. Lester Wolfgram, Pastor

 Vicar Woodside

Palm Sunday
April 14, 2019


Service of Prayer and Preaching                                             LSB 260
Opening Hymn:  “All Glory, Laud, and Honor”                     LSB 442
Hymn of the Day:  “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna”                        LSB 443
Closing Hymn:  “Ride On, Ride On In Majesty”                     LSB 441



Preacher:                                 Pastor Les Wolfgram

Liturgist:                                  Vicar Justin Woodside

Accompanist:                          Shirley Cook and Denise Wolfgram 

Elder:                                        Kevin Olson

Ushers:               8:15 am          Don Geinger & John Hoffman

                          10:45 am          Curt Krecklau & Dan Jackson

Greeters:            8:15 am         Wayne & Joy Doll                             

                        10:45 am           Bridget & Arianna Roll         

Acolyte:              8:15 am          Gabe Lawyer

                          10:45 am          Max Nelson


WELCOME!!  We are glad that you have joined us this morning as we lift up our hearts and voices in response to God’s great gift of forgiveness and life in Christ Jesus.  If you are a visitor, please sign our guest book and introduce yourself to Pastor Les Wolfgram.

WE HAVE SET May 18 as Shepherd of the Valley Volunteer Day at Heaven’s Helpers Soup Kitchen.  Please consider when during that Saturday you might be able to help.  Please visit with Micheal Henke and see the sign-up sheet in the narthex.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO sponsor Easter lilies, there are sign-up sheets in the fellowship hall. They are $9.00 each and can be ordered thru April 14th. Lilies may be taken home after Easter. Those not taken home will be planted in the church gardens. Thank you for helping to beautify our church for Easter!

NEWSLETTER AND CALENDAR information is due to the church office by Monday, April 22.  Please email to Dorrie at

SHEPHERD OF THE VALLEY will once again be conducting a “Good Friday Prayer Vigil” starting at 8:00 pm on Good Friday and ending at 7:00 am Saturday morning. The Prayer Vigil consists of one-hour time slots whereby one or more persons will be in prayer in the quiet of the sanctuary each hour. There is a signup sheet on the table at the entrance to the sanctuary along with Prayer Request cards that can be used to submit your prayer requests.

ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH is hosting a Lock-In on Friday, April 26, for youth in grade 4-12.  Youth will gather at Zion at 10:30 pm at Zion.  The evening also involves time at Sky Zone.  Cost is $15.00 per participant.  Youth in grade 9-12 will go to Messiah Lutheran following the Sky Zone outing and younger youth will return to Zion.  The event will end at 6:00 am on April 27.  Contact Laith Hintz or Pastor Wolfgram to register or for more information.

VBS VOLUNTEERS WANTED:  Please visit with Carrie Harling to let her know that you desire to help with VBS which is scheduled May 28, 29, & 300 from 9am to noon.  Online registration for students and helpers can be found at

Email Carrie at

PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND Mayfest 2019 as it takes place on May 4th at the Cafetorium at Wachter Middle School.  Cost for tickets will be much less than in the past at $20.00 per person.  Silent and live auction items will be available along with the paddle game and other opportunities to support Martin Luther School.  Tickets are available.   Save May the Fourth on your calendar and plan to attend!

Please join us for our special services this week.

April 18 7:00pm

Maundy Thursday – “A God Who Loves”

April 19 7:00 pm   Good Friday –

April 21 7 & 9 AM

The Resurrection of our Lord  –  “A God Who Rises”

Please also join us for the Tre-Ore Good Friday service at Messiah Lutheran in Mandan from 12:00-3:00 PM. 

12:00-12:30 pm    “Father Forgive Them”  Zellers
12:30-12:55 pm    “Truly, I say to you…”    Thompson
12:55-1:20 pm      “Woman, Behold Your Son”                                                                                 Walla
1:20-1:45 pm        “My God, My God…”    Schmeling
1:45-2:10 pm        “I Thirst”                       Woodside
2:10-2:35 pm        “It Is Finished”               Wolfgram
2:35-3:00 pm        “Father, Into Your Hands”                                                                                    Marcis

THE LADIES OF BETHEL’S LWML invite women of all ages to attend this year’s Salad Supper on Wednesday, May 8 at 6:00 pm at Bethel Lutheran Church. Bring your favorite salad to share, or just come enjoy the food and fellowship time. Guests and children are welcome, too!

Mark Meier with Heaven’s Helpers Soup Cafe will be the mission speaker.  We will be collecting items to give to the Soup Cafe if you wish to bring a donation.  Helpful items include:  Disposable gloves, cleaning products, Dawn brand dish soap, napkins, paper towels, toilet paper, tissues, beef base (seasoning), sugar, mustard, mayonnaise, ranch dressing, croutons, quart size canning jars, gift cards to Sam’s Club (to purchase food).  For questions, contact Kim Kuhlmann 701-320-0493 or Sue Hartley at 701-460-0229.


Palm Sunday                 8:15am Divine Service

                                        9:30am Education Hour

                                       10:45am Divine Service

Tuesday                      7:30pm Elders

Thursday                     7:00pm Maundy Thursday Service

Friday                         12:00-3:00pm Tre Ore @ Messiah

                                       7:00pm Good Friday Service

Easter Sunday             *7:00am Sunrise Service

                                      8:00am Easter Breakfast served by Youth

                                     *9:00am Easter Service