PHONE  258-4231

Rev. Lester Wolfgram, Pastor

Vicar Dailey

Fourth Sunday In Lent

March 22, 2020


Divine Service  Divine Service  Three LSB 184
Opening Hymn:  “Christ The Life Of All The Living”   LSB 420
Hymn of  the Day:  “When To Our World the Savior Came”    LSB 551
Closing Hymn:  “O Son OF God, In Galilee”  LSB 841



Preacher:    Pastor Les Wolfgram
Liturgist:    Pastor Les Wolfgram
Elder:    Dick Dever
Accompanist: 8:15 AM Denise Wolfgram  


WELCOME!!  We are glad that you have joined us this morning as we lift up our hearts and voices in response to God’s great gift of forgiveness and life in Christ Jesus.  If you are a visitor, please sign our guest book and introduce yourself to Pastor Les Wolfgram.

Who is your elder?  If you are unsure about which elder has been assigned to care for you, check out the photos on the wall in the narthex.  Your name should be listed under one of the elders.  Introduce yourself to him if you haven’t met.

There will be a congregational forum on Sunday, March 29, to discuss your thoughts related to the schematic design for facility expansion.  There will be a brief update at the end of each service and the congregational forum will take place during the education hour. Be sure to look at the blue print and share your thoughts in the suggestion box or share with a member of the facilities committee.  Plan to have your voice heard on March 29.

FORTY DAYS FOR LIFE will take place during from February 25 through March 3 on the grounds of the ND State Capitol.   Here’s how you can take part in this 40 Day prayer vigil.  Vigil location:  Southeast lawn of the ND State Capitol.  Vigil hours are 8:00am – 8:00 pm daily.  Local contact is Diane at Visit

RECOMMENDATIONS FROM Shepherd leaders as of Wednesday regarding COVID – 19.

  • Cancel Education Hour/Sunday School/Confirmation (6 & 7) as long as schools are not in session.
  • Confirmation (grade 8 remaining sessions) will continue, Pastor will confer individually with the confirmands and their families regarding their preferences.
  • We will suspend services through April 5th.
  • Members are encouraged to participate in the live-stream or recorded service via the web-site –
  • ‘Community Spread’ means spread within the community vs brought in from outside ‘hot areas’
  • It is as a result of community spread that we are suspending services.
  • Pastor is available to care for you either by phone or set an appointment to meet face to face.

WE ARE IN NEED OF supplies to fill the Little Free Pantry located on the northwest side of the parking lot. We are servicing the pantry about three times a week. All non-perishable food items, personal care, hygiene products, and other necessities are always welcome. Items can be left in the bookshelves located in the coatroom near the church entry. Here is a prayer for the Little Free Pantry from God, bless all who pass this box. For those who leave something, may they know the blessing of giving to You.  For those who take something, may they know the blessing of receiving from You.  For all who come and for all who pass by, may they know the God of Love and Peace is with them.

NEWSLETTER AND CALENDAR information is due to the church office by Tuesday March 24th.  Please submit all information to by 12:00pm on that date.  Thank you!

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO sponsor Easter lilies, there are sign up sheets in the fellowship hall. They are $9.00 each and can be ordered thru April 14th. Lilies may be taken home after Easter. Those not taken home will be planted in the church gardens. Thank you for helping to beautify our church for Easter!