Aug 30, 2020 | Blog Post
Shepherd News Monthly Newsletter of Shepherd of the Valley LCMS 801 E Denver Avenue, Bismarck ND 58504 It is great to be back here with you all! I just wanted to write to give you an update on what has been going on in the month since my Ordination and Installment in...
Aug 30, 2020 | Bulletin
SHEPHERD OF THE VALLEY LUTHERAN CHURCH 801 E. DENVER AVE. BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA PHONE: 258-4231 Rev. Lester Wolfgram, Pastor Rev. Justin Woodside, Pastor Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost August 30, 2020 Divine Service Setting One LSB 151 Opening Hymn: “With...
Aug 21, 2020 | Bulletin
SHEPHERD OF THE VALLEY LUTHERAN CHURCH 801 E. DENVER AVE. BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA PHONE: 258-4231 Rev. Lester Wolfgram, Pastor Rev. Justin Woodside, Pastor Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost August 23, 2020 Divine Service Setting One LSB 151 Opening Hymn: “My Hope...
Aug 16, 2020 | Bulletin
SHEPHERD OF THE VALLEY LUTHERAN CHURCH 801 E. DENVER AVE. BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA PHONE (O) 258-4231 Rev. Lester Wolfgram, Pastor PHONE 951-217-3385 Rev. Justin Woodside, Pastor Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost August 16, 2020 Divine Service Setting Three LSB 184...
Aug 8, 2020 | Bulletin
SHEPHERD OF THE VALLEY LUTHERAN CHURCH 801 E. DENVER AVE. BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA PHONE 258-4231 Rev. Lester Wolfgram, Pastor Tenth Sunday After Pentecost August 9, 2020 Divine Service Setting Three LSB 184 Opening Hymn: “Eternal Father, Strong To Save” LSB 717...