COVID – 19 precautions at Shepherd of the Valley

  Dear Saints at Shepherd of the Valley,                                                   March 14, 2020 Leaders at Shepherd of the Valley met this afternoon to discuss measures related to COVID – 19.  While we are still at low risk, we still want to take...

Monthly Newsletter March, 2020

The Formula of Concord: Articles V & VI Article V: The Law and The Gospel           The topic of Law and Gospel is very important for us Christians for it deals with how God speaks to us through His Word. In the Law, God says, “You shall” and “You shall not.” The...

February Newsletter

The Formula of Concord: Articles III & IV Article III: The Righteousness of Faith Before God In articles I and II of the Formula of Concord (in my last newsletter) we heard about how original sin was the corruption of the entire human nature and continues to hang...

Shepherd Newsletter January 2020

Shepherd of the Valley Youth Group packed 40 Christmas Bags for kids in need at Wachter Middle School. We had several people donate to the cause. Thank you to everyone for your generosity. It was another successful year for this project. We had a great turn out. Thank...