Dear Saints at Shepherd of the Valley,                                                   March 14, 2020

Leaders at Shepherd of the Valley met this afternoon to discuss measures related to COVID – 19.  While we are still at low risk, we still want to take appropriate precautions.

While corporate worship is important, you should feel comfortable staying home if you don’t feel well or are at risk.  Worship services can be viewed online at or on Facebook.  You may also tune in to Dakota Media, channel 12 at 2:00 pm each Sunday to watch services from the previous week.  Mainstreet Living North can be viewed on KBMY Xtra Channel 17.3 or Cable channel 594 in Bismarck at 10:00 am each Sunday morning.  MSLN programs are also archived and can be viewed on then click on “North (Fargo)”

The following precautions are being implemented:

  • Use of the building will be restricted to congregational activities.
  • Preschool will follow Martin Luther School and guidelines set by Bismarck Public Schools.
  • Extra cleaning of common contact surfaces is taking place.  (Volunteers are being sought)
  • Pastor Wolfgram and greeters will not be shaking hands.  Please greet one another with a smile.
  • Refreshments will not be served between services.  Coffee will be available.
  • The meal that had been planned for Wednesday, March 18, with Pastor Frith has been cancelled.  The Lenten service will still take place.
  • The offering plates will not be passed down the rows.  The ushers will simply collect.
  • We will refrain from using the Common Cup during the distribution of the Lord’s Supper.  Pastor and elder will sanitize their hands prior to distribution.
  • Please do not panic.  Care for those who are vulnerable.  Find out what needs they have.

Please note that the situation is fluid and we will adjust as necessary.

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”  Psalm 46:1


The Lord keep you in His tender care.

Pastor Wolfgram,  Justin Dever, Congregation President, and Shepherd of the Valley Board of Elders