PHONE (O) 258-4231

Rev. Lester Wolfgram, Pastor

Vicar Dailey

Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany

February 09, 2020


Divine Service Setting Three LSB 184
Opening Hymn: “I Want To Walk As A Child Of The Light”   LSB 411
Hymn of   the Day: “Thy Strong Word Did Cleave The Darkness” LSB 578
Closing Hymn: “May We Thy Precepts, Lord Fulfill” LSB 698



Preacher:                               Vicar Richard Dailey
Liturgist:                                Pastor Les Wolfgram

Accompanist:                          Shirley Cook and Denise Wolfgram

Elder:                                       Steve Reiman

Ushers:               8:15 am          Robert Knutson & Don Gienger

                         10:45 am          Curt Krecklau & Dan Jackson          

Greeters:           8:15 am         Carrie & Nate Harling                        

                       10:45 am          Leon & Jerry Lippert

Acolyte:             8:15 am          Norman C.     

                         10:45 am          Reagan D.


WELCOME!! We are glad that you have joined us this morning as we lift up our hearts and voices in response to God’s great gift of forgiveness and life in Christ Jesus. If you are a visitor, please sign our guest book and introduce yourself to Pastor Les Wolfgram.


BE SURE TO take a look at the architect draft for our proposed expansion including kitchen, classrooms, and fellowship space. A congregational forum will take place on March 29 to receive feedback and updates. The facilities committee wants to hear your insights.


“MERCY IN ACTION” will take place at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church on Saturday, February 29 from 9-3. Servant Leaders from Zion Lutheran Church will share their Impact One mentorship program with Bismarck High School. Save the date and plan to attend as we highlight ministry opportunities and hear how lives are impacted as God’s people serve the Lord with gladness.   The cost is $15.00 pre-registration or $20.00 at the door. Lunch will be served. Register at

“PET, GREET & EAT with Gideon the Care Dog” Please bring your family and a dish to share for a Pot Bless meal Friday, February 28 @ 6:00pm. Meet Gideon the Care Dog and enjoy fellowship.


Feb 16:   Rev. Leo Deitemeyer, First American Lutheran Church, Mayville, ND, presents the message: The Heart of the Matter: A Holy Heart,” based on Matthew 5:21-37, plus I Samuel 16:7. “This Is The Life” program is:  “The Day We Lost Ella Mae”. Social Responsibility and Christian witness are the topics of this program.  “MAIN STREET LIVING” is broadcast 10:00am Central KBMY Xtra Channel 17.3  (ch. 594) Bismarck/Dickinson, as well as the cable and satellite systems carrying these stations.  MSLN programs are also archived and can be viewed at any time on then click on “North (Fargo)”.


“REMEMBER YOUR LEADERS, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.”   Hebrews 13:7 will serve as the focus for our mid-week Lent services starting on Ash Wednesday, February 26.  Special services will take place each week at 7:00 pm focused on Old Testament leaders as highlighted in Hebrews 13.  They include Abel, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and Moses.


FORTY DAYS FOR LIFE will take place during from February 25 through November 3 on the grounds of the ND State Capitol.   Here’s how you can take part in this 40 Day prayer vigil.  Vigil location:  Southeast lawn of the ND State Capitol.  Vigil hours are 8:00am – 8:00 pm daily.  Local contact is Diane at Visit


MEN’S NETWORK will take place on Saturday, February 15, 9-11am at Holy Cross Lutheran Church. Join us for breakfast, fellowship, and a Bible Study led by Vicar Dailey.


LWML PRAYER SERVICE will take place at Shepherd of the Valley on February 22, 9:00 AM. Plan now to attend as you gather with other women from our community.


Sunday 8:15am Divine Service
  9:30am Education Hour
  10:45am Divine Service
Wednesday 5:30pm Catechism Instruction
  7:00pm Worship
  7:45pm Board of Youth
Thursday 5:30pm Choir
Next Sunday *8:15am Divine Service
  9:30am Education Hour
  *10:45am Divine Service
  12:00pm Catechism Instruction