The Formula of Concord: Articles V & VI

Article V: The Law and The Gospel

          The topic of Law and Gospel is very important for us Christians for it deals with how God speaks to us through His Word. In the Law, God says, “You shall” and “You shall not.” The Law gives us God’s commandments and tells us what is expected of us. God’s Law is holy and good (Romans 7:12). The problem is that since the fall into sin, we cannot keep the Law. Therefore, God’s Law primarily shows us our sin and just how unrighteous we are (Romans 7:7-13). The Law demands perfection and it condemns us because we are far from perfect.

The Gospel, on the other hand, is the good news that “Christ has gained and acquired for an individual – without any of his own merit – forgiveness of sins, righteousness that avails before God, and eternal life” (Ep V 4). In other words, Christ took the punishment of the Law away from us by dying on the cross and He gives us the righteousness He earned by completely fulfilling the Law on our behalf. The Gospel does not demand anything from us. The Gospel gives us salvation and eternal life.

The Formula of Concord stresses the distinction between Law and Gospel because there were some teachers such as John Agricola who taught that the Law was not necessary for Christians. These people were known as antinomians (anti-Law). They taught that the preaching of the Gospel condemns sin on top of proclaiming the grace of God in Christ. Yet, as we distinguished above, the Law alone condemns sin and the Gospel only gives. The writers of the Formula fought against the antinomians since the confusion or mixing of Law and Gospel does one of two things. When the Gospel is added to the Law, the Law is stripped of its ability to condemn sin. “It’s ok to sin because God forgives us.” Or, when the Law is added to the Gospel, “Christians are robbed of true consolation” because we are directed back to ourselves rather than to Christ. “Christ did His part, but we need to meet Him halfway.” Either way, the Gospel of Christ is weakened for us.

Article VI: The Third Use of God’s Law

The same antinomians (anti-Law) who were discussed in the article above are mentioned in this article as well. The antinomians insisted that God’s Law has nothing to say to the Christian for they are new creations in Christ.

This article talks about how the Law has three functions (curb, mirror, and guide), but it focuses on the ongoing need of the Christian to be directed by God’s Law (the Law as a guide). The Formula acknowledges that believers are renewed by the Holy Spirit, but note that the renewal is not complete, as shown by the fact that we still struggle with sin. Therefore, we need God’s Law to subdue our sinful flesh and also to show us how God desires us to serve Him and those around us. If we did not have God’s Law before us as Christians, our sinful flesh, which still clings to us, would imagine new ways to serve and worship God that were either contrary to God’s Word or were perfect in our eyes. Yet, God’s Law shows us the perfection that God desires from us. Upon seeing what God asks of us, we are brought back to the Gospel of Christ because we could never do what is being demanded from us. In Christ, we always seek to serve God according to His Law, even though our works are imperfect, they are acceptable and pleasing to God through Christ who purified them. God’s law always brings us to Christ


God’s Law is needed even for Christians who have been redeemed by Christ and renewed by the Holy Spirit, for we still have our sinful flesh clinging to us. We need the Law always before us because it is God’s perfect will for us. Yet, because we are not perfect, God’s Law will always bring us to the Gospel of Christ who completely fulfilled the Law and took away all of the punishments we deserve for breaking God’s Law.



Hebrews 13:7 says “Remember your leaders, those who spoke the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.” In our mid-week Lenten services, we will be doing just that in the outline of Hebrews chapter 11.

We started with Abel who by faith offered a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain. We will continue with Noah who by faith built an ark for the saving of his household. We will walk with Abraham who by faith “obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance.” We will look at Abraham again who by faith offered up his only son yet believing that God could raise him from the dead because of the promise: “Through Isaac shall your offspring be named.” We will walk with Joseph who by faith “made mention of the exodus of the Israelites and gave directions concerning his bones.” And we will travel with Moses who by faith choose “rather to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin.”

March 4      Noah by faith (built an ark for the saving of his household)

March 11    Abraham by faith (obeyed and went)

March 18    Abraham (offered up his son) Rev. Mark Frith from L.C.E.F.

March 25    Joseph by faith (made mention of the Exodus and gave directions

concerning his bones)

April 1        Moses by faith (chose to be mistreated with the people God)


“Four Pillars Of A Man’s Heart”

A workshop for all young men high school age and older will take place on March 21 from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM at Circle C Ranch. Pastor Marcis and Vicar Durham from Zion Lutheran Church will look what it means to be a king, warrior, mentor, and friend based on the book “Four Pillars Of A Man’s Heart” by Stu Weber. Registration fee is $25.00 and will covered by SOTV for youth. Registration is due March 16.


What is Church? – Minot, North Dakota – March 27-28, 2020

Is Church just a building? Is it where people come to pray? Does a church have to have stained glass windows and a steeple?  Is church better if there are more people and loud singing? What is the purpose of the church and why should we even go? Do we go to church to give God our best, or do we go to receive God’s best in Christ via the Word and Sacraments? At this Higher Things Retreat, Pastor Matt Richard and Pastor Jon Walla will be digging in and answering these tough questions and more! Finally, Pastor Joshua Reimche will take attendees behind the scenes of the Divine Service, explaining the significance of what is happening. Everything from the albs that a pastor wears to what is happening at the altar during communion and how these everyday things deliver the Lord’s gifts to us.

$50 per person covers all expenses for the retreat at St Paul’s, including all classes, food, activities, and lodging at the church. Boys and girls will be housed in separate areas of the church, and attendees should bring sleeping bags and pillows. There are no shower facilities, however bathrooms are located throughout the church. The retreat will begin at 6pm on Friday and end at 3pm on Saturday. Download registration forms for this retreat at or by contacting Pastor Richard to send you a registration packet.

Register for this retreat online at Groups are encouraged to pay securely online; however, you may bring your payment with you to St Paul’s Lutheran Church when you arrive for the retreat. Please RSVP for this retreat by March 20.

When: March 27-28, 2020

Where: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church – Minot, ND

Cost: $50/Person

Contact: Rev. Matt Richard

(701) 389-0418


Men’s Network

Men’s Network will take place on Saturday, March 23, 9-11 at Messiah Lutheran Church in Mandan. Join us for breakfast, fellowship, and a study on Islam led by Vicar Dailey.


ND District LYF (Lutheran Youth Fellowship) Spring Retreat

Friday-Saturday, March 6-7

Chieftain Conference Center, Carrington, ND

Students in grade 8 and up, and adults are invited to this Retreat. Registration begins at 7 PM Friday, March 6 and activities begin at 7:30 PM. If you cannot arrive by 7:30 PM, just join us when you can! If your schedule allows attendance at only part of the Retreat, you are welcome to join us when you can! The Retreat concludes Saturday, March 7, at about 4 PM.

The Retreat theme is “Motivated by Love” a companion piece to the Everyone His Witness® evangelism program created by LCMS Witness and Outreach Ministry.

Jacob Nistler, Zion Lutheran Church, Bismarck will facilitate four sessions giving teens the tools to Listen, Ask, Seek, Share, Invite and Encourage their friends for the sake of Christ.  Jacob Nistler and Aidan Quirk, Bethel Lutheran Church, Bismarck, were trained to facilitate “Motivated by Love” at Synod teen leadership training in 2019.

$75 registration fee includes Saturday breakfast & pizza buffet lunch, Friday night sleeping room and program costs. A prorated registration fee is available if you attend only part of the Retreat. Please register by Sunday, March 1.



We are excited to announce our 2020 Vacation Bible school ”Rainforest Explorers” dates and times!

May 26, 27, and 28, 2020 from 9 a.m. until noon at Shepherd of the Valley.

Stay tuned for registration information and volunteer opportunities.


Members of Shepherd of the Valley,

As many of you may know, Shepherd of the Valley has been video recording the Sunday Services and airing them on Dakota Media Access TV the following Sunday for a few years now.

We have also been Live Streaming the early service on Facebook Live for the last few years.

In using today’s technology, we are able to get the word of Christ out to many people that may not be able to attend a Sunday Service due to health, weather, or whatever the reason may be.

By live video streaming and archiving our Sunday services, we can connect with our members even when they can’t be here. We are also reaching out to people around the world with our feeds

If you don’t have Facebook, (Yes not everyone has a Facebook account lol) there are a few other options to watch the Sunday morning services listed below

To do our Live Streams of our Sunday Morning services it takes two people , if you would like to be part of the Livestream, please let me know.

The Churches website

follow us on Facebook

Subscribe to use on YouTube

Here is another link to View the Sunday Morning Services

You can also view the Sunday Services on Roku TV,

Download the Boxcast app on your Roku device and do a search for Shepherd of the Valley

If you have any questions or Comments, please let me know

Rob Burkhardsmeier




Reagan Dever                                3/5

Henry Harling                                3/5

Justin Dever                                   3/15

Rob Burkhardsmeier                  3/17

Kallen Hintz                                   3/18

Leland Miller                                  3/22

Ronda Nottestad                           3/25

Miranda Albrecht                         3/26

Lucas Bornemann                         3/27


Justin Dever

Sam Nelson

Brent Purdy

Rob Burkhardsmeier

Tony Aukland

Cheryl Purdy

Kari Kramer

Norman Mohl

Leon Lippert

Ariana Kapla

Dan Houfek

Doug Hintz

Ronda Nottestad

Lindsey Watson

Denise Ensz

Charlotte Schields

Linda Houfek

Michael Nelson

Marlin Entze




Lowell & Corrin Fahrni              3-28-1971



1-15  Craig Helm

16-31 Dick Dever

Ushers 2020

*Mar 1       Lonny Lang & Jim Barrett                                            815am

Cheryl Purdy & Leon Lippert                                      1045am


Mar 8         Robert Knutson & Doug Hintz                                    815am

Kari Kramer & Laith Hintz                                          1045am


*Mar 15     Don Gienger & John Hoffman                                    815am

Curt Krecklau & Dan Jackson                                     1045am


Mar 22       Kevin Brockel & Micheal Henke                                815am

Melvin & Greg Sutheimer                                          1045am


*Mar 29     Dwight Cook & Kevin Olson                                        815am

Bob Ziebarth & Justin Dever                                       1045am


Greeters 2020


*Mar 1       Doug Hintz                                                                     815am

Pam & Lily Dever                                                          1045am


Mar 8         Jim Barrett                                                                    815am

Walter & Bernice Rehling                                           1045am


*Mar 15     Wayne & Joy Doll                                                        815am

Bridget & Arianna Roll                                       1045am


Mar 22       Becky & Jeremy Gildea                                               815am

Bob & Heather Ziebarth & Lily                                   1045am


*Mar 29     Joyce Keith                                                                    815am

Leon & Jerry Lippert                                                     1045am


Acolytes 2020

*Mar 1       Miranda A.                                                                     815am

Reese D.                                                                       1045am


Mar 8         Zeva B.                                                                          815am

Emma V.                                                                       1045am


*Mar 15     Jason C.                                                                         815am

Reagan D.                                                                     1045am


Mar 22       Aspen R.                                                                       815am

Daisy A.                                                                         1045am


*Mar 29     Norman C.                                                                    815am

Kallen H.                                                                       1045am


Upcoming Dates:

  • Confirmation – April 5
  • Good Friday – April 10
  • Easter Sunday – April 12
  • New Member Welcome – April 19
  • Voters Meeting – April 26
  • Call Day @ Concordia – April 29