1 Peter 5:8 – Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

A friend once told us the following story: it seems that Satan and three of his cohorts were lounging around after dinner one evening, discussing what might be done to win people’s hearts for hell.

One junior tempter exclaimed eagerly, “I’ve got it! I’ve got it! Let’s tell people there is no God!”

Satan looked at him with disdain and replied, “That’s ridiculous. The knowledge of God is written into people’s hearts; you’ll never get away with a lie like that.”

Then another young devil chimed in, “I know! I know! We’ll tell people there is no heaven; there is no hell.”

To which Satan responded, “You fool! Everyone knows that there’s often no justice in life. You’ll never convince more than a very few that there is no justice in eternity.”

Finally, the tempter leapt to his feet. “I have it!” he shouted. “We’ll not say there is no God, no heaven, no hell. We’ll just say there is no hurry.”

Satan’s face lit up as he rubbed his hands in glee. “Excellent!” he responded. “The perfect lie. With it we’ll win the world.”

Time and again, in spiritual conversations with people, talking about the relationship with the Lord Jesus, we encounter people who seem receptive. They aren’t belligerent. They don’t close the door in our faces. Yet, they ignore the invitation of God’s grace. They might tell us, “This fall when the kids are in school, we can start making it to church. Or they might say, “After Christmas when things calm down — that’s our resolution for the New Year.” Or sometimes we hear, “This spring when the weather is better, and it’s not such a hassle getting around.”

After all, what’s the hurry? We’ll get there.

Sadder still are Christ’s own people who believe, or at least act as though they believe, Satan’s “No hurry” lie. They put off sharing their faith, waiting for some golden opportunity when the stars align, the weather’s just right, when they’re all studied up on the Bible to speak about Jesus. That, as we may expect, may never happen. In the end, sadly, Christians trot out many of the same excuses used by unbelievers for not responding to God’s Gospel invitation.

The fields are white now, Jesus says in Matthew 9:35-38, the harvest is ready now. The laborers are … us. If we have failed in the past, we can begin again, and again, if we have to — and we will have to. Because — no surprise here — failing is what we do. Thankfully, our Lord Jesus forgives us and empowers us by that forgiveness to go and tell His story to a world that needs to hear some really good news now.

THE PRAYER: Heavenly Father, it’s easy to think there’s always tomorrow to do what we can do today. We seek the Holy Spirit’s help to listen when necessary and to speak when we should so that others can know about Jesus’ love. In His Name. we pray. Amen.

From The Lutheran Layman, October 1981 issue, “There Is No Hurry,” by Jane Fryar 

Be sure to check out the new layout for our congregational web site at www.sotv-bis.org.

January 13:           Rev. Kevin Zellers, Messiah Lutheran Church, Mandan, ND, presents the message: “Theophany of God” based on Luke 3:15-22. Today’s This Is The Life program is “God of Love.”  Channel 594

“MAIN STREET LIVING” is a locally produced TV program that includes a 30-minute worship service led by participating pastors of the North Dakota and Minnesota North Districts of our LCMS, along with a 30 minute Lutheran Hour program (normally This Is The Life,” along with occasional church-season specials).  Programs are broadcast at 10:00am Central KBMY Xtra Channel 17.3 (channel 594) Bismarck and archived on www.mainstreetliving.com.

With the new year comes an exciting new opportunity for ministry at Shepherd of the Valley.  A human care committee has been formed to guide our congregation in a process to support people in need locally and throughout the world.  Members of the committee include Lonnie and Korrine Lang, Micheal Henke, along with Leon and  Jerry Lippert.   They will work with the board of stewardship in presenting opportunities to support various ministries. 

            The 2019 Annual budget includes one percent of offerings to be directed to human care efforts.  There will be a special emphasis each quarter of the year that will be highlighted and supported.  We will support “Christ’s Care For Children” in Kenya during the first quarter of 2019.  You are urged to give offerings to these special efforts during the quarter that will enhance the blessing of our gift to “Christ’s Care For Children.”  This mission effort is one of the projects that was adopted at the 2018 ND District LC-MS convention for this triennium.  

            Christ’s Care for Children: Kenya is a child sponsorship program, initiated by the LCMS Office of International Mission. It is directly linked to the Project 24 sites in Kenya. It is through care and compassion for these children that they receive safe housing, food, education and spiritual care. Each site is strategically located near an Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya church and school so that the children can receive academic as well as spiritual teaching and care.

Currently the five operational sites have 165 children who are in need of sponsorship. This is purely a child sponsorship program. Each child will have his or her own digital packet that will contain a one-page description of the project/site where the child comes from, information about the child along with his/her picture and then any continuous updates. The child’s digital packet will be sent to the donor when the match is confirmed. The child’s reports, which will include their welfare, spiritual engagement, school grades and performance, will be made available quarterly. The program welcomes donors to visit their sponsor child and the place where they stay in the months of February, June or October of every year.  

Be sure to pick up your 2018 giving statement from your mailbox at Shepherd of the Valley.   

Doxology Encore

            Pastor Wolfgram will be joined by Lonnie and Corrine Lang as they attend the second phase of the Doxology series of weekends to support pastors and enhance ministry.  The conference will take place in Racine, WI January 18-20.  The following bullet points highlight the desired outcomes for the conference. 

-Pastors and lay leaders will review servanthood models and strategies that equip them to respond to very real parish challenges.

-Engaging modules and presentations will renew and assist parish leaders to serve their congregation with new appreciation for and zeal to support their pastor’s ministry.

-Facilitated conversations with other pastors and lay leaders will invite mutual encouragement, support, inquiry and lively sharing. 

January Hangout 

Young adults in their 20’s and 30’s will gather on January 15 at 6:00 PM at Shepherd of the Valley.  Bring a dish to pass and share as this will be a pot-bless meal followed by a brief Bible study and board games.  Bring a friend or two along with your favorite board game.  

Voters Meeting Set

The next voters meeting will take place on January 27 during the education hour.  In addition to hearing update on the activity of various church boards, we will also consider application for a vicar for 2019-2020.   

ND DISTRICT ANNUAL MEN’S RETREAT will take place at Shepherd’s Hill at the Crossroads January 25-26, 2019.  The presenter will be Rev. Daniel Suelzle, Wittenberg Lutheran Chapel at UND, Grand Forks.  The focus of his presentation will be:  “Misquoted: Things the Bible Doesn’t Say”.  Please sign up today to show your commitment to attend the retreat!   

The next Men’s Network gathering will take place on Saturday, January 19, 9-11 AM at Zion Lutheran Church.  Plan to attend.