PHONE 258-4231 

Rev. Lester Wolfgram, Pastor

 Vicar Woodside

The Fourth Sunday in Lent
March 31, 2019


Divine Service  Setting Three                                                                        LSB 184

Opening Hymn:  “Today Your Mercy Calls Us”                                     LSB 915
Hymn of The Day:  “God Loved The World So That He Gave”         LSB 571
Distribution:  “Children Of The Heavenly Father”                                LSB 725
“Jesus Sinners Doth Receive”                                        LSB 609
Closing Hymn:  “Drawn To The Cross, Which Thou Hast Blessed” LSB 560



Preacher:                                            Pastor Les Wolfgram 

Liturgist:                                            Pastor Les Wolfgram 

Accompanist:                                      Shirley Cook and Denise Wolfgram 

Elder:                                                  Ken Purdy

Ushers:               8:15 am                 Chuck Falkenstein & Eliot Reinke

                          10:45 am                  Greg & Melvin Sutheimer

Greeters:            8:15 am                 Marion Meske                                   

                            10:45 am                 Walter & Bernice Rehling             

Acolyte:              8:15 am                 Blake Nelson

                          10:45 am                  Kallen Hintz


WELCOME!!  We are glad that you have joined us this morning as we lift up our hearts and voices in response to God’s great gift of forgiveness and life in Christ Jesus.  If you are a visitor, please sign our guest book and introduce yourself to Pastor Les Wolfgram  .


AT SHEPHERD OF THE VALLEY LUTHERAN CHURCH we celebrate the Lord’s Supper in the confidence that we receive, along with the bread and wine, our Savior’s true body and blood “through and in which we  obtain the forgiveness of sins.”  Besides individually receiving Christ’s free gift of forgiveness in this sacrament, all those who commune make a confession of the faith that we believe and teach in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  To commune at this altar is to accept the doctrinal position of this congregation.  Because of that common confession, we invite those who are members at sister Missouri Synod Churches to join us at the Lord’s Table.  If you would like more information on our understanding of the Lord’s Supper, please visit with Pastor Wolfgram.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO sponsor Easter lilies, there are sign up sheets in the fellowship hall. They are $9.00 each and can be ordered thru April 14th. Lilies may be taken home after Easter. Those not taken home will be planted in the church gardens. Thank you for helping to beautify our church for Easter!


WE ARE SUPPORTING “Christ’s Care For Children” in Kenya during the first quarter of 2019.  Christ’s Care for Children: Kenya is a child sponsorship program, initiated by the LCMS Office of International Mission. It is directly linked to the Project 24 sites in Kenya. It is through care and compassion for these children that they receive safe housing, food, education and spiritual care. Each site is strategically located near an Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya church and school so that the children can receive academic as well as spiritual teaching and care.


JOIN US WEDNESDAY as we continue our journey through the Lenten season under the theme: “Behold The Man.”  This week we consider “A God Exposed”.  The service begins at 7:00 PM.


Main Street Living for April 7:             Rev. Ed Borchardt, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Frazee, MN, presents the message: “Strength Doesn’t Come From Within” based on Philippians 3:8-14. Today’s special LHM Easter program is: “The Puzzle Club Easter Adventure”Programs are broadcast at 10:00am Central (9:00am Mountain) on KBMY Xtra Channel 17.3 (Channel 594) Bismarck/Dickinson, and archived on (then click on “North”).


ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH is hosting a Lock-In on Friday, April 26, for youth in grade 4-12.  Youth will gather at Zion at 10:30 pm at Zion.  The evening also involves time at Sky Zone.  Cost is $15.00 per participant.  Youth in grade 9-12 will go to Messiah Lutheran following the Sky Zone outing and younger youth will return to Zion.  The event will end at 6:00 am on April 27.  Contact Laith Hintz or Pastor Wolfgram to register or for more information.



Today                  *8:15am Divine Service

                                 9:30am Education Hour

                           *10:45am Divine Service

Wednesday           5:30pm Cat. Instruction

                                  7:00pm Worship

                                  7:45pm Board of Youth

Thursday                5:30pm Choir

Sunday                *8:15am Divine Service

                                9:30am Education Hour

                           *10:45am Divine Service

                                  1:00pm Vision Path